
Our Businesses


Real Estate

Our investing process is aligned to formulate a theme driven-asset specific thesis, this enables to invest across both traditional, niche and new economy asset classes. We aim to generate superior risk-adjusted returns for our investors in the long term through a partnership approach and active asset management.

We take an investor cum operator approach and by leveraging our team’s network of relationships and partnerships, we identify emerging economic, technological and demographic trends.

We invest in both assets and platforms and we aim to provide an enhanced focused and tactical approach to investing and asset management.

Our capital is flexible, we actively pursue both equity and debt real estate investment strategies. All our investments are subjected to rigorous reviews and due diligence by subject matter specialists.

Our expertise includes deal sourcing, generating potential transactions, deal underwriting & market research-based insights, due-diligence support, tax & financing structuring and solutions, assisting in commercial & legal discussions and negotiations.

Value Add &
Opportunistic Equity
Core / Core Plus
Credit & Special Situation
Credit & Special Situations

Asset Management

Active asset management is as critical as the investing; we provide comprehensive and exhaustive asset management to ensure asset value and quality is maintained across our portfolio of investments.

We are keenly focused on value creation by driving operational strategy initiatives, management of business, critical review and monitoring of portfolio investments and active board participation.

It has been observed, timing the exit has been the key driver for generating the optimal outcome, and through our experience, we intend to provide holistic services end to end from calculated investments, comprehensive asset management and optimally timing the exit.

Our expertise includes arranging financing, expansion strategy advisory, exit-divestment advisory, portfolio monitoring and proxy board representation.

We additionally advise on structuring the operating platforms, identifying roles and responsibilities, establishing governance framework, hiring key persons & operating team and ideating platform monetization business plan with active monitoring.

Asset Management
Operating Platform Management


We actively look to invest in early-stage and fast-growing companies that are focused or allied to the real assets sector at the forefront of technological innovations.

We follow a partnership led approach to investing and collaborate to offer our advisory capabilities, and focus on delivering the network effects of the real estate ecosystem.

We believe we can fast track growth of our investee companies by leveraging the ecosystem network effects we provide.
